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    5,000 cinema 4d Jobs gefunden

    Wir, die 4D suchen für ein langfristiges Projekt einen deutschsprachigen Pimcore-Entwickler, der eine aktuelle Kundenwebsite optimiert. Was wir benötigen: - Design Anpassungen - Erstellen von neuen Seiten (Seiten zusammenfassen, neue Seiten erstellen, bestehende Seiten optimieren) - Navigation anpassen - SEO Optimierung - etc. Es erwartet Dich ein spannendes Projekt.

    €48 / hr Average bid
    €48 / hr Gebot i.D.
    14 Angebote

    ...(z.B. Arbeitstische mit unterschiedlichen Plattenfarben und Gestellfarben) Neue Modelle auf Basis von DWG oder 3DS erstellen, dann weitere Bearbeitung wie oben Raumsituationen erstellen oder vorhandene Milieus variieren und Milieubilder erstellen, z.B. Homeoffice-Szene Momentan noch weniger häufig: 360-Grad Produktfotos, virtuelle Räume, Anleitungsvideos Günstig wäre ein Profi, der wie wir mit Cinema 4D und dem Arnold Renderer arbeitet. ...

    €3021 Average bid
    €3021 Gebot i.D.
    3 Angebote

    Wir möchten eine 4D Vibrationsplatte mit einem neuen modernen, frischen und funktionalen Design auf den Markt bringen. Diese sollte sich von der Konkurrenz abheben können.

    €300 Average bid
    €300 Gebot i.D.
    14 Angebote

    Meine Company CUSTOMIZED SOLUTIONS verbindet NewTechnology mit Konzept und personalisierbaren Inhalten und präsentiert folgende Neuheiten : 1. HOLOGRAM SHOW, 3 Ebenen (4D) Weltneuheit 2. AR FÜR BEWEGTBILD (TV, Werbung) Weltneuheit 3. VIDEO-KONFERENZSYSTEM mit 3D-Objekten & AR Weltneuheit 4. 3D HOLOPOINT - statt Powerpoint Neuentwicklung 5. ERLEBNIS-SHOPSYSTEM, – mit AR, Holo, VRplus Neuentwicklung 6. VR ROBCONTACT – Altersheime, Krankenhäuser Neuentwicklung 8. RELAXROOM – Für Unternehmen, weltweiter Vertrieb Weltneuheit Mehr Informationen: und Powerpoint (Anlage) Jens Knör / Head of Arts Customized Solutions

    €15 / hr Average bid
    €15 / hr Gebot i.D.
    5 Angebote

    Für eine (virtuelle) Fachmesse im Bereich Digital Health möchten wir ein Demo-Case eines virtuellen Ärztehauses erstellen. Das virtuelle Gebäude soll mit Cinema 4D erstellt werden. Die Grafiken werden dann mit Widgets verknüpft, hintere denen aktiver Content gelegt wird (z.B. Videos, Präsentationen, Chat-Tools, etc.). Die Verknüpfung dazu erledigt unser Frontend Developer. Wir suchen einen Grafiker, welcher nach unseren Vorgaben das Gebäude erstellt, welches dann als Demo-Case zum Einsatz kommt. Final wird dann dahinter eine digitale Plattform liegen auf welche dann ein ganzes Netzwerk von virtuellen Ärztehäusern (Hubs) aufgesetzt wird. Für den Bereich Internal Communication (Konferenzen, Kongresse, Show-Rooms, Messest&...

    €2014 Average bid
    Featured Dringend
    €2014 Gebot i.D.
    3 Angebote
    Cinema non olet
    Beendet left

    Mein Name ist Kenan, ich bin Masterstudierender im Bereich der Medienwissenschaften. Mein Schwerpunkt liegt in der Film- und Serienforschung. Ich möchte nun...Bereich der Medienwissenschaften. Mein Schwerpunkt liegt in der Film- und Serienforschung. Ich möchte nun endlich einen eigenen Blog erstellen und meine erworbenen Kenntnisse und meinen analytischen Blickwinkel für Filme und Serien in meinen Texten einfließen zu lassen. Für die Website und für die Social-Media Kanäle bräuchte ich ein schönes und passendes Logo für das Projekt. Der Name lautet "Cinema Non Olet" und soll ein Mix aus klassischer Schrift und modernen Formen sein. Es soll an die alte Kinoära erinnern mit modernen Einflüssen. Ich hoffe, dass sich...

    €22 Average bid
    €22 Gebot i.D.
    2 Angebote

    ...Kamerafahrten um das Szenario herum gerendert. Aufgabe 1 (CGI): Szenenaufbau, die Produktdatensätze werden gestellt, welche jedoch mit Materialien belegt und zum Leben erweckt werden müssen. Gemeinsam wird eine Innenraumumgebung zum Zukauf herausgesucht, in der die Szene stattfinden soll, Optimierung der Beleuchtung, gemeinsames Festlegen der Kamerafahrten, Rendern der Szenen, bevorzugt wird Cinema 4D mit VRay oder besser Redshift) Aufgabe 2 (animierte Grafik und Programmierung): Die 3D-Szenarien werden so geändert, dass diese fortlaufend aneinander gereiht werden können. Die Programmierung und (bewegte) Grafik sieht nun 2 Hauptaspekte vor: 1. Pfeile und Icons in unterschiedliche Richtungen, welche beim Klicken den entsprechenden nächsten Video n...

    €24 / hr Average bid
    €24 / hr Gebot i.D.
    8 Angebote

    Wir entwickeln und designen viele Artikel für unterschiedliche Industriezweige, wie Getränke / Lebensmittel / Camping. Wir haben eine eigene Design Unit und arbeiten mit Cinema 4D ABER wir haben kein CAD. Daher suchen wir jemanden der unsere Ideen inspiriert mit weiter entwickelt dann aber in Werkzeugzeichnungen umsetzt. damit können wir dann präzise unsere Lieferanten anfragen. Aktuell entwickeln wir eine Falt Toilette für Camping und Militär. Es ist einen Kombination aus aus einem ALU Faltgestell und einem Toiletten Kunststoff Aufsatz. Hier brauchen wir Hilfe - Wenn Du glaubst Du bist der richtige und kannst uns unterstützen dann kontaktiere mich - CEO Alexander Rabe

    €17 / hr Average bid
    €17 / hr Gebot i.D.
    10 Angebote
    Cinema 4d Figur
    Beendet left

    Hallo, Ich bräuchte jemanden der in Cinema 4d eine Astronauten Playmobil Figur erstellt.

    €32 Average bid
    €32 Gebot i.D.
    1 Angebote

    Vertical Ventures GmbH sucht dich als Virtual Reality Freelancer im Stundenlohn! We Are Cinema by Vertical Ventures GmbH ist ein innovatives Start Up Unternehmen mit grossem Wachstumspotential. Vertical Ventures betreibt erfolgreiche Virtual Reality Kinos schweizweit und fokussiert auf Corporate Events. Im Zuge der Expansion und um unser Filmprogramm attraktiv zu gestalten, suchen wir einen Freelancer der für uns neue Virtual Reality Filme sucht, begutachtet sowie die Lizenz-Verträge aufbereitet. Deine Verantwortung • Neue VR-Filme suchen, bewerten und dem Team von We Are Cinema vorstellen • Erstellen von thematischen Filmblöcken (bestehend aus 4-6 Kurzfilmen) • Bestehende und neue Lizenz-Verträge von VR-Filmen (neu)aufsetzen Dein...

    €15 / hr Average bid
    €15 / hr Gebot i.D.
    4 Angebote

    Hallo! Ich bin dabei ein Werbungsvideo für mein Start-Up zu erstellen. Es handelt sich um ein Gerät für die Haare, sowas wie ein Glätteisen. Hierfür brauche ich eine Visualisierung wie das Gerät auf die Haare wirkt. Für eure Vorschläge wäre ich sehr dankbar. Das Video wird vielleicht so 15 Sekunden lang sein.

    €316 Average bid
    €316 Gebot i.D.
    8 Angebote

    Suche ein 3D Rendering auf Basis einer ArchiCad Datei. Es soll realitätsnah wie nur möglich sein. Bitte die Hinteransicht rendern, mit dem Pool. Es soll unbedingt mit einem anderen Programm gemacht werden um das Rendering noch besser darzustellen!! PLA File:

    €111 Average bid
    8 Einträge

    ...auch für das komplette Design. Das Branding umfasst folgende Elemente: - Logo (Variante normal + Variante einfarbig hell und dunkel) - Website Header (1920x150px; No menu, no icons, only logo) - Favicon - App Icons - Social Media Profil- und Headerbilder (Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, G+) - 2 Ad Banner (970x250px / 240x400px) Zur Inspiration ein paar gute Beispiele: - Youtube-Channel Cinema Strikes Back () - - - etc. Ich freue mich auf eure Ideen. Danke für einen Link zum Portfolio mit eurem Angebot....

    €431 Average bid
    €431 Gebot i.D.
    9 Angebote

    Hallo marthakprashant, mir ist Ihr Profil aufgefallen und ich würde Ihnen gerne mein Projekt anbieten. ich versuche einen animierten Film zu erstellen. Für die Geschichte , die von einer älteren Ratte, die lesen kann und einer älteren Schriftstellerin handelt, brauche ich zwei Modelle für cinema 4d . Beide Modelle sollten „Knochen“ enthalten. Bei der Ratte sind Augenlider notwenidig und die Pfoten sollten an den Vorderfüßen und Hinterfüßen keine Krallen haben. Die Ratte sollte freundlich aussehen und wird laufen , lesen und aufrecht stehen. Die alte Dame wird liegen , schreibmaschine schreiben und gehen. Könnten Sie die beiden Modelle erstellen und was schätzen Sie, dass die Erstellung kosten würde...

    €135 Average bid
    €135 Gebot i.D.
    1 Angebote

    Das Projekt: RIKA mit Sitz in Micheldorf (Oberösterreich) produziert Kamin-, Pellet- und Kombiöfen. Die Produkte werden ausschließlich über autorisierte Fachhändler verkauft. Im Falle neuer Händler plant RIKA das Store Branding der künftigen Ausstellungsflächen. Hierfür wird na...Grafikprogramm „Cinema4D“ visuell darzustellen. Es werden 3D Visualisierungen aus verschiedenen Perspektiven unter Verwendung passender Lichteinstellungen benötigt. Zum besseren Verständnis finden Sie einen beispielhaften Grundrissplan und finalisierte 3D Visualisierungen im Anhang. Anforderungen an den Freelancer: • Fachliche Kompetenz in den Bereichen:  - 3D Modellierung  - 3D Rendering  - Cinema 4D • Zeitnah...

    €166 Average bid
    €166 Gebot i.D.
    17 Angebote

    ...beim CMS nicht um WordPress, Drupal, Joomla oder Typo3! Deutsche Sprachkenntnisse sind zwingend erforderlich und da es sich um Teamwork in einem effizienten Backend- & Frontend-Coder-Team handelt: Die Anwesenheit in unserem Office am schönen Duisburger Innenhafen ist ebenfalls notwendig. Work at our office in Duisburg, Germany is required! Of course some German language skills for a German Cinema Website is required! CMS/Backend is NOT WordPress, Drupal, Joomla or Typo3!...

    €34 / hr Average bid
    Featured Dringend
    €34 / hr Gebot i.D.
    8 Angebote

    Rendering / Zeichnung eines Messestandes laut Skizze Cinema 4D/ Auto CAD etc

    €154 Average bid
    €154 Gebot i.D.
    14 Angebote

    Online Schulung in Cinema 4D Dauer: 2 Tage, jeweils 8Std. Voraussetzung: Sehr gute Kenntnisse in Cinema 4D, Erfahrung mit der Visualisierung von Immobilien/Einfamilienhäuser. Die Schulung muss unbedingt in der Sprache Deutsch durchgeführt werden.

    €464 Average bid
    €464 Gebot i.D.
    5 Angebote

    Es existieren diverse CAD Daten zu unserem Fahrzeug (Truck) mit Trailern. Diese müssten in ein perfektes Cinema 4D Format gebracht werden, so das man diese leicht anpassen kann mit Texturen usw. sowie auch bei bedarf animieren kann.

    €173 Average bid
    €173 Gebot i.D.
    4 Angebote

    Bitte nehmen Sie Kontakt mit mir auf und übersenden Sie mir Arbeitsproben bezügl. gerenderter Immobilien.

    €1348 Average bid
    €1348 Gebot i.D.
    1 Angebote

    wir liefern Ihnen eine DWG oder Cinema 4D Datei unserer Aluminiumprofile welche von Ihnen mit einer realistischen Aluminiumoberfläche versehen und in einer neutralen weißen Umgebung in Szene gesetzt werden.

    €321 Average bid
    €321 Gebot i.D.
    16 Angebote

    Ich möchte Text schreiben, der mit der Cinema zu tun haben. Ich kann in französisch, englisch und in deutsch schreiben.

    €220 - €659
    €220 - €659
    0 Angebote

    I need a freelancer to help me remove a static object from my Cinema 4D animation. The object is set against a neutral background and the removal doesn't need to be perfect - a basic, quick removal is sufficient. Minor imperfections post-removal are acceptable. Ideal Skills: - Proficient in Cinema 4D - Experience with animation editing - Ability to deliver quick, basic edits This is a straightforward task that should not take too long. Please get in touch if you have the necessary skills and experience.

    €74 Average bid
    €74 Gebot i.D.
    18 Angebote

    I'm in need of a skilled 3D video designer who can create high-quality 3D animations. The project is still in the brainstorming phase, so I'm open to ideas. You should be able to demonstrate previous work and have a strong portfolio in 3D design. Skills and Experience Required: - Proficient in 3D design software (e.g. Blender, Maya, Cinema 4D) - Strong portfolio of previous 3D video work - Excellent communication skills - Creative and open to brainstorming ideas - Attention to detail Thanks

    €139 Average bid
    €139 Gebot i.D.
    14 Angebote

    I'm in need of a skilled 3D cartoon animator who can bring to life a ...entertaining animations intended for social media distribution. The project entails: - Creating engaging, high-quality 3D animations that can captivate audiences on various social media platforms. - Developing a consistent and appealing animation style for a series of cartoon episodes or short films. Ideal skills and experience include: - Proficiency in 3D animation software (e.g., Blender, Maya, Cinema 4D). - Previous work in creating 3D animations for social media. - Strong storytelling skills and ability to create entertaining content. - Experience in the cartoon industry is a plus. Please provide a portfolio of your past work, specifically any 3D animations targeted at social media. Looking...

    €7 / hr Average bid
    €7 / hr Gebot i.D.
    5 Angebote

    Basic Modeling Summary This is an assigment for a 3d modeling course and I need someone with basic knowledge of cinema 4d and Corona renderer to model the following: Create a room(walls, floor, ceiling)with doors and windows. The room must have the walls and ceiling connected and the holes must not be made with boleans. Choose a type of door and a type of window and after modeling insert them inside keeping them open. Make a simple model of a furniture(you can use the attached*) and put it inside. Set a nice light using the Crown light or sky and sun, you are free to decide. I need a white image (render with a set material of ovveride), in this phase you must not use any other material than the base of Corona as ovverride. 1. Use the camera calibrator to reproduce the ...

    €78 Average bid
    €78 Gebot i.D.
    15 Angebote

    I'm looking for a talented video editor to create realistic video billboard replacements. The setting will be busy city streets, populated with pe...scene simulations - Ability to craft engaging, realistic cityscape videos with pedestrian activity - Creativity to design compelling brand awareness advertisements for the billboards - Understanding of pacing and timing to enhance realism and engagement Ideal Skills: - Advanced video editing software proficiency (e.g. Adobe Premiere, After Effects) - Experience with 3D modeling software (e.g. Cinema 4D, Blender) - Strong understanding of visual storytelling - Experience with creating content for billboard advertising Please refer to this example video for the level of quality and style I am expecting:

    €25 Average bid
    €25 Gebot i.D.
    18 Angebote

    ...sideboard, this is for information only, you do not have to pay attention , unless show the Screen with 120 inches. Do not show any Technik installation like loudspeakers and electronic. • We would like to be able to use the rear part of the room with the entry of the room ist flexibly, for example for a standing aperitif, to be able to greet guests, etc. I should continue with the same design as the cinema. • You can also add a popcorn machine • as decoration Hollywood figures like master yoda would be fine ? • The goal is to pick up the customer with the animation to sale our technic. • For this we need about 3 animations, different colours, interiors, etc… • This should be homely. Not black like in real movie theatre • The room has n...

    €195 Average bid
    €195 Gebot i.D.
    39 Angebote
    Motion Graphics Designer
    21 Stunden left

    ...quality. • Feedback Integration: Incorporate feedback from team members and stakeholders to iterate and improve designs. • Brand Consistency: Maintain and uphold brand standards across all motion graphic content. Required Skills: • Proven experience as a Motion Graphic Designer with a strong portfolio of motion graphics projects. • Proficiency in motion graphics software such as After Effects, Cinema 4D, Adobe Premiere Pro, or similar. • Strong understanding of animation principles and visual storytelling techniques. • Experience with storyboarding and creating visual concepts. • Excellent communication and collaboration skills. • Ability to work independently and manage time effectively. • Knowledge of 3D animation is a plus. ...

    €337 Average bid
    €337 Gebot i.D.
    81 Angebote

    I'm looking for a talented 3D designer who can create high-quality, detailed and realistic 3D models of two products for me. These models will be ...These models will be used to create engaging 3D mockup animation videos for a marketing campaign. Key Requirements: - Create high-detail and realistic 3D models from scratch - Apply necessary texturing and coloring - Rig the models for smooth animations - Produce compelling 3D mockup animation videos Ideal Skills: - Expertise in 3D modeling and animation software such as Blender, Maya, or Cinema 4D - Strong understanding of marketing and advertising needs - Previous experience in product visualization and animation - Attention to detail and ability to create high-quality visuals Please include samples of your previous ...

    €30 Average bid
    €30 Gebot i.D.
    19 Angebote
    Editor de Video
    12 Stunden left

    ...audiovisuales, reportajes, documentales, programas, promos y cuñas de video, etc. ✅ Procesar las tareas de postproducción de los videos que incluyen animaciones, efectos especiales, entre otras. ✅ Diseño y Animación de Vídeo. Experiencia en el manejo de herramientas tecnológicas para diseño de Suite Adobe: InDesign, Photoshop, Illustrator. Edición de video: Premiere. Programas de motion graphics (Cinema 4D, Maya, Flame, Animate, Fuse y/o after effects). OFRECEMOS: - Salario Base Mensual: de $200 a $250 USD - Trabajar desde Casa. - Acceso a plataformas de Almacenamiento. Requisitos Indispensables: - Experiencia más de 3 años. - Disponibilidad de Lunes a Viernes de 9:00 am a 7 pm y Sábado de ...

    €136 Average bid
    €136 Gebot i.D.
    30 Angebote

    ...historical , crime documentary videos. These are the specifics: - The documentaries focus on historical events. - The average length of the videos is 10-20 minutes. - I need a singular person for this task, not an agency. Ideal Skills: - Proficiency in video editing software, particularly those suited for cinematic edits. - A keen understanding of pacing and narrative structure typical of dramatic cinema. - Experience working on historical documentaries or content. Your role will be to edit the raw footage into a compelling, visually engaging narrative. Your creativity and attention to detail will be crucial in capturing the significant moments of history and presenting them in a way that resonates with the viewer. Please submit examples of your past work that demonstrate you...

    €79 Average bid
    €79 Gebot i.D.
    13 Angebote
    Film Marketing
    Beendet left

    We are looking for people to market our films to digital platforms, TV channels and cinema distribution companies in your country. People with strong connections in this regard can contact us by providing their references.

    €2996 Average bid
    €2996 Gebot i.D.
    3 Angebote

    I'm a beginner in Maxon Cinema 4D seeking a tutor. My primary focus is on motion graphics within the animation spectrum. Key Requirements: - Proficient in teaching Cinema 4D, particularly in animation and motion graphics. - Able to tailor lessons to a complete beginner. - Experience in creating motion graphics using Cinema 4D. - Excellent communication skills and patience. I need someone who can help me understand the basics of the software and gradually guide me towards creating my own motion graphics.

    €754 / hr Average bid
    €754 / hr Gebot i.D.
    31 Angebote

    ...experienced 3D artist to assist me in creating interior 3D scenes and textures in Cinema 4D using the Corona Renderer. The goal is to receive ready-to-use interior scenes and textures that I can independently utilize for rendering my furniture projects. Tasks: Interior Scene Creation: -Create 3-4 interior scenes where I can later place furniture and render independently. -The scenes should be optimized for furniture placement and lighting to achieve a highly realistic look. Texture Creation: -Develop 10-15 custom textures based on provided references (images will be supplied). -Revise existing textures for optimization with Cinema 4D and Corona Renderer. Requirements: -Proven experience working with Cinema 4D and Corona Renderer. -Ability t...

    €461 Average bid
    €461 Gebot i.D.
    41 Angebote

    ...understanding of Telugu culture, language, and cinema. Key Responsibilities: - Collaborate with me to develop a compelling crime fiction storyline. - Develop a unique and engaging neo-noir story with a strong central conflict, set in a Telugu context. - Create well-rounded Telugu characters with complex motivations and backstories. - Explore unconventional narrative structures, such as nonlinear storytelling or multiple perspectives. - Write compelling Telugu dialogue that reflects the characters, setting, and the genre's distinctive tone. - Adhere to the specified budget and timeline. Requirements: - Proven experience writing Telugu screenplays, with a strong focus on crime fiction and neo-noir. - Deep understanding of Telugu language, culture, and cinema. - Abili...

    €634 Average bid
    €634 Gebot i.D.
    8 Angebote

    ...selezionati potranno accedere a un nostro sistema di rimborsi spesa basato sul ricavo lordo dei propri articoli e generato con i banner pubblicitari nei 30 giorni successivi alla pubblicazione. Altre modalità di rimborso spesa saranno valutate parallelamente all'eventuale crescita dell'attività. Chi e cosa cerchiamo: Appassionati e curiosi che amino la cultura nerd, la tecnologia, la scienza, il cinema e posseggono competenze (anche non professionali) in questi ambiti. Individui con una buona capacità di ricerca e scrittura, quindi che sappiano esprimersi chiaramente e scrivere articoli attraverso cui comunicare il proprio entusiasmo per i temi trattati. Disponibilità a collaborare con costanza e partecipare attivamente alle discussioni di r...

    €109 Average bid
    €109 Gebot i.D.
    24 Angebote

    I'm seeking a skilled motion graphics designer to create a title sequence for my film/TV media project. The animation should be ...motion graphics designer to create a title sequence for my film/TV media project. The animation should be done in a dramatic and intense style, matching the tone of the project. My projects will be done under the brand name "Iggy Presents" - need a 3D animated graphic to appear at the beginning of all my projects. Ideal Skills: - Proficiency in motion graphics software (e.g. After Effects, Cinema 4D) - Strong understanding of film/TV title sequence conventions - Ability to convey mood through animation Experience: - Previous work in creating title sequences - Portfolio demonstrating dramatic and intense animations - Experience i...

    €45 Average bid
    69 Einträge
    Vlog Video Editor
    Beendet left

    ...and informative. Expertise: I've worked on projects ranging from short product demos to fully-fledged training materials, so I'm confident that I can help you meet your needs. Tool Knowledge: I have experience editing videos in Premiere Pro and After Effects, as well as Final Cut Pro X, Avid Media Composer, and more. I also have experience creating motion graphics in Adobe After Effects and Cinema 4D. Skills: As an editor, I know how important it is to get the message across clearly—that's why I pride myself on being able to not only edit footage but also create graphics and animations to help tell the story that needs to be told. Passion: My passion for video editing stems from my love of storytelling—I want people who watch my work to feel ...

    €207 Average bid
    €207 Gebot i.D.
    23 Angebote

    I'm looking for a talented 3D modeler and rigger to create character models in the iconic pixelated Minecraft style. These models will be used in Cinema 4D, so experience with rigging for this software is crucial. Ideal skills and experience for the job: - Extensive 3D modeling and rigging experience, preferably with character models - Proficiency in creating models in the Minecraft-style - Prior experience rigging models for Cinema 4D - Strong understanding of the Minecraft aesthetic - Ability to deliver high-quality, detailed models.

    €98 Average bid
    €98 Gebot i.D.
    33 Angebote

    ...innovative designs Design and develop landing pages, apps, and websites Create personalized AI-generated art and photos Produce 3D meme art for crypto meme coins Innovate AI-driven fashion concepts for Web3 projects Refine visual identities for various brands Tools We Love: Interface Design: Figma Video Generation: KlingAI, RunwayML, Luma Labs, ComfyUI (AnimateDiff, CogVideoX) 3D: Spline, Blender, Cinema 4D Images: ComfyUI (WAS Node Suite, LoRA Integration, ControlNet, and more), MidJourney Editing: Photoshop, Illustrator, Canva What We Offer: Paid internship with real projects Mentorship from our talented team One-on-one sessions with the Team Lead Potential for a part-time role with a comfortable schedule Compensation starts at $300/month after the first month, with po...

    €349 Average bid
    €349 Gebot i.D.
    45 Angebote

    ...innovative designs Design and develop landing pages, apps, and websites Create personalized AI-generated art and photos Produce 3D meme art for crypto meme coins Innovate AI-driven fashion concepts for Web3 projects Refine visual identities for various brands Tools We Love: Interface Design: Figma Video Generation: KlingAI, RunwayML, Luma Labs, ComfyUI (AnimateDiff, CogVideoX) 3D: Spline, Blender, Cinema 4D Images: ComfyUI (WAS Node Suite, LoRA Integration, ControlNet, and more), MidJourney Editing: Photoshop, Illustrator, Canva What We Offer: Paid internship with real projects Mentorship from our talented team One-on-one sessions with the Team Lead Potential for a part-time role with a comfortable schedule Compensation starts at $300/month after the first month, with po...

    €980 Average bid
    €980 Gebot i.D.
    57 Angebote

    I have some existing After Effects projects that need modifying as requested, and also some further new ones that will be higher value. You must be very talented and know After Effects & Cinema 4D inside out and are willing to make the changes as requested. If your a great freelancer and willing to work on projects, there is a lot of other works available also. Thank you.

    €23 Average bid
    €23 Gebot i.D.
    60 Angebote

    I'm looking for a skilled 3D modeler to create five high-poly, detailed vehicle models reminiscent of Uber's fleet. The models should be developed in Cinema 4D and include: - UberX - Uber XL - Van - Uber Black (premium) - Scooter The models should feature realistic textures and be static - no animations or moving parts are required. Ideal candidates for this project should be well-versed in creating intricate, high-quality 3D models and have a strong understanding of using Cinema 4D. Experience with designing realistic textures is a must. Please only apply if you can deliver high-detail, high-quality work.

    €1786 Average bid
    €1786 Gebot i.D.
    52 Angebote

    I have found a property and had an architect measure & survey the space. I have attached a PDF of the floorplan and the proposed look of the place. I have also attached an image of how I would like the outside to look. The right hand side of the drawing is all outdoors, so will need to be walled/fenced as per the image attached. Please create me your spa designs based on this floor plan and image ideas... Some example spas : - - - (this is a really cool one)

    €654 Average bid
    Featured Garantiert Versiegelt NDA
    124 Einträge

    I'm seeking a part-time motion graphics trainer based in Thane, Maharashtra. The focus will be on Adobe After Effects, with additional insights into Adobe Photoshop, Cinema 4D, and Adobe Premiere as necessary. Key Responsibilities: - Deliver training aimed at developing basic motion graphics skills - Use of Adobe After Effects as primary software - Incorporation of other software (Photoshop, Cinema 4D, Premiere) when relevant Ideal Candidate: - Intermediate level expertise in motion graphics - Experienced trainer, preferably with industry background - Proficient in Adobe After Effects, with substantial knowledge of other mentioned software - Capable of delivering engaging, easy-to-understand training sessions for beginners

    €5 / hr Average bid
    €5 / hr Gebot i.D.
    7 Angebote

    I'm looking for a talented animator who can create a sleek and modern 3D countdown video for an upcomin...animation should incorporate our logos and branding elements seamlessly throughout the video. It should be consistent with our corporate identity. - Sleek and Modern Aesthetic: The overall tone and theme of the animation should be sleek and modern. It should appeal to a professional audience but also have a contemporary edge. Ideal Skills: - Proficiency in 3D Animation software (like Blender, Maya, Cinema 4D, etc.) - Strong graphic design skills - Experience in creating corporate animations - Understanding of brand consistency in animations - Ability to convey a sleek and modern aesthetic through animation. If you have a portfolio that includes similar projects, I...

    €101 Average bid
    €101 Gebot i.D.
    71 Angebote

    I have some existing After Effects projects that need modifying as requested, and also some further new ones that will be higher value. You must be very talented and know After Effects & Cinema 4D inside out and are willing to make the changes as requested. If your a great freelancer and willing to work on projects, there is a lot of other works available also. Thank you.

    €22 Average bid
    €22 Gebot i.D.
    37 Angebote

    I am in need of cinema 4d user to model and texture a box from provided print artwork. Key requirements: - Must be done in cinema 4D and textured with redshift materials as final delivery will be the c4d file. -Must know how to take the provided flat printing press artwork to model and texture the box to the dimensions specified in the artwork See example attached. - Able to deliver high-quality, detailed work - Turnaround time is important

    €77 Average bid
    €77 Gebot i.D.
    13 Angebote

    ...compositing • motion design • possibly video shooting and photography • possibly 3D animation • Cross-media production Project Requirements • Advanced experience with editing and effects programs (Adobe Premiere Pro, Adobe After Effects) • Advanced experience with video/film and/or photo work • Experience with graphics programs (Adobe Photoshop) • Experience in 3D modeling/animation desirable (Cinema 4D) • Technical skill • Good feeling for creation, design, brands and trends • Very good knowledge of English • You have a technical understanding in the fields of motion design, graphic design or a similar subject • You are creative, a team player and have a feel for details • You have a quick grasp and hi...

    €375 Average bid
    €375 Gebot i.D.
    43 Angebote

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