25 Tools Every Software Developer Should Master
A list of useful tools for Software Developers that could make their lives easier
...from rare orbs (e.g., XP multipliers, elemental resistances). 4. System Integration: Ensure seamless integration with the game’s existing inventory, XP, and UI systems. Utilize Unity’s Event System to trigger real-time updates for health, mana, and other stats. 5. Optimization: Implement spawn limits and timed fade-outs to manage orb count and optimize performance. 6. Testing and Debugging: Thoroughly test orb behaviors, interactions, and visual effects across different devices. Ensure consistent functionality and smooth performance. Requirements: Proven experience with Unity 3D and C# scripting. Strong understanding of particle systems, shaders, and visual effects in Unity. Familiarity with Unity’s Event System and UI integration. Experien...
...real-time updates and logs for transparency and debugging. 6. **Performance Summaries**: - Send periodic performance summaries daily and weekly. - Summaries should include the number of trades, total profit/loss, and any issues encountered. #### Technical Requirements: 1. **Environment and Deployment**: - Use environment variables for storing API keys securely. - Ensure the bot is deployable on cloud service providers like AWS, Google Cloud, or Azure. - Implement automatic resumption of trading after exchange downtime. 2. **Scalability and Maintenance**: - Write scalable and maintainable code. - Provide documentation for the setup, configuration, and usage of the bot. - Implement logging and monitoring to facilitate debugging and maintenance. 3....
...upon reaching this milestone. Milestone 8: Responsive Design and Access Restriction (10%) Ensuring that the application is user-friendly on both mobile devices and desktop computers. Full implementation of access restriction for registered users only. Payment will be made upon reaching this milestone. Milestone 9: Completion and Testing (10%) Conducting comprehensive testing and debugging. Final optimizations and ensuring everything works smoothly. Payment will be made upon reaching this milestone. Milestone 10: Documentation and Training (10%) Creating a user-friendly guide for using the application. Training the client or their team, if necessary. Payment will be made upon reaching this milestone. Duration of the Testing Phase: 10 Days The testing...
...gesucht!! Ich brauche einen Freelancer mit Spezialisierung auf Woocommerce Custom PHP Plugin. Wir haben bereits ein Plugin entwickeln lassen und brauchen jetzt für einzelne Mini Jobs Verstärkung zur Überarbeitung und Debugging. Mini Jobs (each € 100,-): - Alle gebuchten Kunden in Custom Crewlist (Load all booked customers into custom crewlist in product backend - Das Layout der Boote im Backend Produkt verbessern (create proper layout for custom boat layout in product backend) - Weitere Boote hinzufügen create additional customs boats - Custom Order Emails von Woocommerce Debugging - Weitere Bugs ausbessern Ideal skills and experience for this job: - DEUTSCH mind. C1 - Proficiency in Woocommerce and WordPress - Strong knowledge of HTML, CSS, and...
...gesucht!! Ich brauche einen Freelancer mit Spezialisierung auf Woocommerce Custom PHP Plugin. Wir haben bereits ein Plugin entwickeln lassen und brauchen jetzt für einzelne Mini Jobs Verstärkung zur Überarbeitung und Debugging. Mini Jobs (each € 100,-): - Alle gebuchten Kunden in Custom Crewlist (Load all booked customers into custom crewlist in product backend - Das Layout der Boote im Backend Produkt verbessern (create proper layout for custom boat layout in product backend) - Weitere Boote hinzufügen create additional customs boats - Custom Order Emails von Woocommerce Debugging - Weitere Bugs ausbessern Ideal skills and experience for this job: - DEUTSCH mind. C1 - Proficiency in Woocommerce and WordPress - Strong knowledge of HTML, CSS, and...
...vornehmen kann. Konkret geht es um die Integration zusätzlicher Felder für eine ERP-Schnittstelle. Wir benötigen jemanden mit fundierten Kenntnissen in Shopware 6 und der Entwicklung von Plugins sowie Erfahrung in der Integration von ERP-Systemen. Aufgaben: Integration von zusätzlichen Feldern für eine ERP-Schnittstelle Programmierung von Anpassungen an der Shopware 6 Installation Testen und Debugging der Anpassungen Anforderungen: Erfahrung in der Entwicklung und Betreuung von Shopware 6 Plugins Kenntnisse in der Integration von ERP-Systemen Zuverlässigkeit und Pünktlichkeit Wir bieten eine faire Bezahlung auf Stundenbasis und eine interessante Herausforderung. Wenn Sie Interesse an diesem Projekt haben, senden Sie uns bitte eine kurze Ü...
We are looking only for a developer who can speak german. Unterstützung des Entwicklerteams beim Debugging und der Fehlersuche Erstellung von Dokumentationsunterlagen Weiterentwicklung der bestehenden Softwarelösungen Implementierung von Unit- und Integrationstests Tiefgehende Programmierkenntnisse in Java 7, Grails 2.3.11 und Groovy 2.1.9. Erfahrung im Umgang mit relationalen Datenbanken (Mysql) und Document-DBs (MongoDB) HTML, CSS, NodeJS und AngularJS sollten keine Fremdworte sein. Gute Deutschkenntnisse sind zwigend erforderlich!
Ich suche jemanden mit fundierten Kenntnissen in den Modulen SD/MM. P2P ABAP-Debugging SAP-Support 2-3 Level Der Arbeitgeber ist , deine Tätigkeit wird als Supporter für visdels Kunden sein. MUST HAVE: Deutsch Kenntnisse Weitere Details im Chat Auf der Suche nach einer langfristigen Anstellung
Wir haben ein altes Vbulletin (Version 4.x) , welches auf einmal nur noch kryptische Zeichen anzeigt. Es müsste einmal debugged werden und für eine aktuelle PHP Version 7 oder 8 angepasst werden. Ebenso sollte es auf SSL angepasst werden. Hoster ist Ionos (ehemals 1&1). Ebenfalls sollte das mit enthaltene Medienalbum basierend auf Photopost funktionieren. Bevorzugt wäre ein Profi, welcher uns in einem separaten Auftrag das Forum in eine modernere Forensoftware inklusive CMS und Mediengallery migrieren kann, dies ist aber keine Voraussetzung. Hier geht es primär um das debuggen des aktuellen Systems und Kompatibilität mit einer aktuellen PHP Version herstellen.
...releases, documentation and getting ready to support the new releases & features. - Managing the Production Salesforce instance and providing L2/L3 support for the various services running - Ensuring smooth running of Support services as per agreed Service levels Agreement - Performing RCA and sharing the root cause of the issue whenever required - Take ownership of support incidents which involve debugging, troubleshooting, and taking responsibility to see that the issue is fully resolved - Maintaining response and resolution SLA commited as per the agreement - Create SOPs, knowledge base materials dedicated towards operational efficiency while also empowering and enabling the developer community - Ensure continuous improvements initiatives, Stabilize the Applications, creat...
Ich suche einen Programmierer / Entwickler, der sich ein kleines PHP-Programm ansehen ...Entwickler, der sich ein kleines PHP-Programm ansehen kann. Dieses kleine Programm filtert aktive Kunden aus einer Mitgliedersoftware heraus. Das hat seit Jahren auch geklappt, aber seit zwei Tagen werden neue Kunden nicht mehr erkannt. Die Mitgliedersoftware hat einen Update erhalten, vermutlich steht der Status "aktiv" in einem neuen Feld. Ich möchte, dass jemand dies überprüft. PHP-, Debugging- und mySQL-Kentnisse sind notwenig. Die Aufgabe lautet den existierenden PHP-Code ansehen, Stelle finden an der die Kunden gefiltert werden und dann den Code so erweitern, dass auch neue Registrierungen berücksichtigt werden. Ich würde mich über Skype onli...
... Fachlich * Praktische C++ 11x (und neuere Versionen) Erfahrung (und neuere Standards) minimum 6 Jahre. * Mehrjährige Erfahrung mit native Entwicklung von C++ auf Android basierten Systemen (also Android NDK KnowHow, kennt Einschränkungen der unterschiedl. Versionen) * Erfahrung mit gesamter Toolchain für Android native C++ Entwicklung (von IDE, compilers, debugging, inkl. Packaging&Deployment * Praktische Erfahung im Bereich Debugging auf Android Based Devices (inkl. Camera, Imaging & Graphic pipelines, OpenGl-ES, Shaders,...) * Boost, cmake Erfahrung * Python Erfahrung ist a MustHave z.b. im CI und/oder Testumfeld * "Leben" von CleanCode, DesignPatterns und auch Wissen ber eine CI pipeline * Erfahrung mit UnitTestFrameworks auf Android &...
...vorhandenen Javascript / CSS aus dem Theme nicht kollidiert. JQM zB hat bei laienhaften Versuchen mein ganzes "normales" JQ zerschossen. Selbstverständlich soll es auch nicht "flackern". Das funktioniert - grundsätzlich - über CSS mit position: fixed sehr gut. Leider - warum auch immer - flackert der Balken ganz erheblich, sobald Javascript geladen ist und seine Arbeit verrichtet. Die basic debugging Sachen (preserve-3d) habe ich schon alle probiert, leider ohne Erfolg, es flackert immer noch. Jetzt muss einmal ein Profi ran....
Ich habe eine Bitbucket Installation auf meinem QNAS installiert. Leider habe ich allerdings Autentifizierungsprobleme wenn ich ein neues Repository Clonen bzw per Console / SouceTree einrichten mö ich wenig Ahnung von SSH / SSL habe benötige ich jemanden mit Ahnung auf dem Gebiet wer per TeamViewer Support leisten kann.
Auf der Checkout Seite befinden sich zwei divs im infinite-refresh-loop. Zwei Plugins wurden als "Störenfried" ausfindig gemacht, eines davon wird auf der Seite nicht benötigt und kann ausgeschaltet werden. Mögliche Ursache: admin-ajax bzw wc-ajax Aufruf.
...Solche Fragen betreffen - Hibernate, JPA Repository, Queries, Eager/Lazy Fetching - Serialization mit Jackson - Debugging mit IntelliJ - JWT Security/Authentication - Testing und API Documentation (z.B. Docket) - diverse Best Practice Fragen - granulare Berechtigungen - Caching Ich stelle mir den Ablauf so vor, dass jemand zu mir kommt, ich ihm Stück für Stück meine Fragen und Probleme zeige und wir sie gemeinsam dann an dem bestehenden Beispielprojekt lösen. Das Projekt ist auf einen Tag begrenzt. Der Freelancer sollte folgende Eigenschaften haben: - Spring Boot Erfahrung - Erfahrung mit Rest APIs (@RestController) - Erfahrung mit Intellij, Tomcat7 Debugging, Testing - gewisse Kommunikationsfähigkeiten um meine Probleme zu ...
hallo. mein name ist martin. ich habe eine kleine webdesign-agentur und bin auf der suche nach einem js/jquery freelancer, der mich regelmaessig unterstuetzt. zusaetzliche php/mysql und css kenntnisse sind natuerlich kein nachteil. ;-) idealerweise kommst du aus dem frankfurter raum (hessen), da man sich dann bei groesseren projekten evtl. vorab mal 'live' zusammensetzen koennte. persoenlicher austausch ist manchmal eben doch von vorteil. bei den meisten kleineren aufgaben ist remote arbeiten aber auch ok. aktuell stehen zwei kleine jobs an, die evtl. perfekt geeignet sind um sich den anderen mal 'anzuschauen': eine navigation, die erst nach einem zweiten klick reagiert und eine anker-verlinkung auf einer seite, die aus einem javascript erzeugt wird. beides mu...
...Websites um und brauche technische Unterstützung. Ich arbeite mit Themes wie Betheme und adaptiere sie gemäß Kundenwunsch. Ich suche jemanden der: * eine Wordpress Site mit Theme aufsetzt * Text und Bildinhalte übernimmt und einarbeitet (meistens schicke ich screenshots wie, wie die Inhaltsblöcke aussehen können. (Einarbeitung ist entweder mit VisualComposer oder Muffinbuilder bzw. per HTML) * Debugging macht * ein Multilanguage Plugin implementiert * Kleinigkeiten in den PHP Files und CSS erledigen kann * Geschwindigkeit optimiert (gern mit meiner Hilfe) * Kunden-Changeequests durchführt (daher ist Deutsch notwendig) * in der Zeit um den Online-Termin innerhalb von 24 Stunden reagieren kann * ich bin an einer längeren Zusammena...
...anspruchsvollen Job verlangt: UI / UX Developer - 4 Jahre Berufserfahrung als Web Developer - Kenntnisse gängiger Web-Technologien (HTML5, CSS3, JS, ...) - Erfahrung mit Mobile Web Development - Erfahrung im Einsatz von CSS Preprozessoren (LESS oder SASS) - Solides Wissen bei JavaScript (ES5) und Erfahrung mit AngularJS - Routinierter Umgang mit REST/JSON APIs - Vertieftes Verständnis im Bereich Debugging und Performance Optimierung - Erfahrung mit Build-Automatisierung (Grunt, Gulp, ...) - Kenntnisse von TDD - Gute Englischkenntnisse - Nur mit Vorlage einschlägiger Projekt-Referenzen...
...anspruchsvollen Job verlangt: UI / UX Developer - 4 Jahre Berufserfahrung als Web Developer - Kenntnisse gängiger Web-Technologien (HTML5, CSS3, JS, ...) - Erfahrung mit Mobile Web Development - Erfahrung im Einsatz von CSS Preprozessoren (LESS oder SASS) - Solides Wissen bei JavaScript (ES5) und Erfahrung mit AngularJS - Routinierter Umgang mit REST/JSON APIs - Vertieftes Verständnis im Bereich Debugging und Performance Optimierung - Erfahrung mit Build-Automatisierung (Grunt, Gulp, ...) - Kenntnisse von TDD - Gute Englischkenntnisse - Nur mit Vorlage einschlägiger Projekt-Referenzen...
I have an existing Open Source Project which is used to convert stacksizes in online poker from realmoney (i.e. €2.70) in big blinds (the minimum bet in a poker game) and display it. So if a player has €2.70 in a €0.01/€0.02 Game he has 2.70 / 0.02 = 135 Big Blinds = 135 BB. Since you dont want to always calculate this by yourself this program is there to help. I want to say at this point that this is not a "forbidden tool" in any sense, there are several tools like this on the market for all other big poker platforms but this one i play on is a smaller one and theres just not as much demand for a tool like this. Heres the link to the existing project (it's all in english): At the end of the first post you can find the C# Source for downl...
Ich habe ein bereits vorhandendes Open Source Projekt, dessen Aufgabe es ist mit Hilfe der EasyHook Library () die Stackgröße beim Online Poker von Echtgeld (z.B. €2.70) in Big Blinds (der Mindesteinsatz einer Pokerpartie) umzuwandeln und entsprechend anzuzeigen. Sitzt beispielsweise ein Spieler mit €2.70 an einem Tisch mit Mindesteinsätzen von €0.01/€0.02 hat er €2.70 / €0.02 = 135 Big Blinds = 135 BB. Da man dies aber nicht immer im Kopf ausrechnen möchte, soll dieses Programm einem dabei helfen. Hier ein Auszug aus dem FAQ: Q: How does this work? A: Uses api hooks (Easyhook library) to detect when the poker client draws text to the pokerwindow, intercepts the function, checks if it drawing text that corresponds to money t...
Dear all, further my requirements: - I want to have a debugging from a "" to his initial autoIT source format. If we have the code, i have some further requirements for you like implementing some security stuff like a register codes to use the new "". All further details will be discussed using skype or teamspeak etc. kind regards
Hallo zusammen, gesucht wird jemand, der eine AutoIT Datei debuggen kann! Ziel ist, an den Source Code dieser AutoIT heran zu kommen. Wenn dies gelingt, gibt es weitere Anforderungen für das Umschreiben der AutoIT. Des Weiteren ist dies eine von vielen zukünftigen Aufgaben in diesem Bereich. Gearbeitet wird Remote über Teamviewer und Skype. Preis wird Verhandelt. Ich bezahle Fair und gut!
Debug the following code to determine why is causes PHP to crash. (Runs out of child processes) Also suggest ways to fix it and clean up the graphics so it looks better on ALL screens. <script type="text/javascript" src=""></script> <div id="ojs_popup" style="display: none; z-index: 2; background: rgba(0,0,0,0.5); position: fixed; width: 100%; height: 100%; top: 0px; left: 0px;"> <div id="beyond_popup" style="z-index: 1; background-color: #fff; width: 50vw; padding: 1em 1em 1.8em; position: absolute; transform: translate(-50%,-50%); left: 50%; top: 50%; border-radius: 8px; text-align: center;"> <button id="closing_popup" style="display: block; margin: -.5em 0 .5em auto; border:...
I need a seasoned WordPress developer with expertise in Gravity Forms and API debugging. You must be online right now and be ready to fix the problem right now. Gravity forms is connected via API to Stax: Payments are not working. I think the API key was deleted, but I need someone to identify the issue and I can help them fix it. It should take less than an hour
Job Title: Experienced Android Developer Needed for Video Downloader with Built-in Browser Job Description: We are looking for an experienced Android developer to build a video download...browser libraries. Proficiency in API integration and handling HTTP requests. Familiarity with video download handling and background downloading. Knowledge of clean code practices and performance optimization. Deliverables: A functional prototype of the browser with integrated video detection and downloading functionality. Well-documented code for easy maintenance and future updates. Assistance in debugging and testing. Budget: Please provide your cost estimate for the project. Timeline: We expect the project to be completed within 1 week Please share your availability and estimated timeline for...
...applications to solve real-world problems and enhance cybersecurity tools. Understand and apply Python concepts such as data structures, object-oriented programming, libraries, and frameworks commonly used in cybersecurity. I am looking for: A structured learning plan tailored to my goals. Real-world examples and projects related to cybersecurity and application development. Guidance on best practices, debugging, and optimization. Preferred Requirements: Expertise in Python with experience in cybersecurity and application development. Ability to teach complex concepts in a simple, easy-to-understand manner. Flexible schedule to accommodate my availability. If you are the right tutor for this, please send your proposal detailing your experience, teaching approach, and rate. Tha...
I am facing a critical integration error with Stripe as my site is about to go live. The core of the issue seems to be w...Stripe expert, not an agency, who can: - Diagnose the issue and advise on the best course of action. - Fix the issue, or if necessary, set up a new Stripe account for the new domain. - Ensure everything is sorted before the site goes live. - Verify that the API configuration is correctly set up on both domains. - Test payment workflows to ensure transactions are processed correctly. - Assist in debugging any other payment-related issues that arise. Fluent English is a must as I need clear communication on the problem and the solution. The issue includes a specific error code which needs to be addressed. The integration error encountered is related to a Connect...
...Independent Design Input: Use your creative expertise to improve the design without requiring us to pinpoint every minor detail. Make intelligent design decisions to ensure the website looks professional and modern. Performance Optimization: Optimize animations, transitions, and loading times for a smooth browsing experience. Clean up code to improve website speed and maintainability. Testing and Debugging: Conduct comprehensive testing to ensure the site is error-free and functions flawlessly on all major browsers (Chrome, Safari, Edge, Firefox, etc.). Resolve any performance or compatibility issues....
I need an Opencart/PHP developer for occasional codebase modifications, including bug fixes, implementing new features and other code adjustments. Key Responsibilities: - Regularly troubleshoot and fix bugs - Add new features as required - Modify front-end element...Opencart/PHP developer for occasional codebase modifications, including bug fixes, implementing new features and other code adjustments. Key Responsibilities: - Regularly troubleshoot and fix bugs - Add new features as required - Modify front-end elements, back-end functionality, and the database structure Ideal Skills: - Proficient in Opencart and PHP - Strong experience in troubleshooting and debugging - Able to implement and design new features - Skilled in front-end, back-end, and database modifications - Github...
...where orders, order variants, and product settings data are being duplicated in the MySQL database. Specifically, when an order is received, multiple rows (2 or more) are being created for the same order. Required Skills: Proven experience with Laravel (backend) and Vue.js (frontend) development. Strong understanding of API integrations and data manipulation. Experience with debugging and troubleshooting web applications. Excellent communication and collaboration skills. Proficiency in SQL and MySQL database optimization. Project Budget & Timeline: Please submit your hourly rate or project quote in your proposal. We are open to discussing a flexible timeline based on the complexity of the tasks. Additional Information: Familiarity...
...to help with my project. The tasks primarily involve: - Bug Fixing: Identifying and resolving existing issues in the application. - New Feature Development: Assisting in the implementation of new features as per provided specifications. I have detailed documentation available for these tasks, so you won't have to guess what needs to be done. Ideal Skills: - Proficient in Laravel - Strong debugging skills - Experience in feature development - Familiarity with working from detailed documentation Please note that the integration status of the application has not been specified, hence it would be beneficial if you have experience working with both standalone applications and those integrated with third-party APIs or databases. Your ability to adapt and understand different ...
Key Responsibilities - Develop and maintain Android applications using Kotlin/Java and cross-platform applications using Flutter/Dart. - Collaborate with designers and backend developers to create intuitive and visually appealing user interfaces. - Optimize application ...Kotlin/Java and cross-platform applications using Flutter/Dart. - Collaborate with designers and backend developers to create intuitive and visually appealing user interfaces. - Optimize application performance and ensure responsiveness on multiple device types. - Implement secure coding practices and ensure data integrity. Write clean, modular, and well-documented code. - Conduct thorough testing and debugging to ensure app stability and usability. Stay up to date with emerging trends and technologies in mobile de...
I'm seeking a TypeScript expert to aid in the development of new features for my existing project. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proficiency in TypeScript - Experience in feature development - Familiarity with debugging and code optimization - Strong problem-solving skills - able to work on GMT +8 timeframe and work entirely on anydesk/ultraviewer for entire project - able to work long term
I am facing a login crisis with my quiz gamification software. Users are unable to log in from their web browsers and there is no error message displayed when they attempt to do so. Ideal candidates for this project should: - Have experience with troubleshooting web-base...from their web browsers and there is no error message displayed when they attempt to do so. Ideal candidates for this project should: - Have experience with troubleshooting web-based software issues - Possess strong analytical and problem-solving skills - Be able to communicate clearly and effectively - Ideally, have some background in software development or IT - Have experience with browser debugging tools to identify and resolve issues. No recent updates or changes were made to the software before the issu...
My React Native app is facing an issue with Firebase notifications. I am developing a restaurant app using React Native and Expo. Currently, when a customer places an order, a push notification is triggered, and the order details are fe...Firebase credentials and Expo implementation for APK build. I am looking for someone who can help me resolve this as soon as possible. Ideally, I would like to collaborate via TeamViewer or Google Meet to implement the solution together. Better Senior developer assist on team viewer or anydesk etc . Thank you! Ideal Skills: - Proficiency in React Native - Experience with Firebase - Strong debugging skills Please note, this is purely a bug fixing task. The ideal freelancer will have a keen eye for detail and be able to troubleshoot the issue ef...
...seamlessly connect various APIs into the existing structure. - Bug Fixes: The majority of issues are stemming from the backend logic of the app. The developer should have strong debugging skills, able to trace and fix these bugs efficiently. - New Function Implementation: The application needs third-party service integrations. The ideal candidate should have experience with various third-party services and able to incorporate these into the application. Ideal candidates will have significant experience with the MERN stack, a strong understanding of backend logic, and proven skills in API integration and debugging. Familiarity with third-party service integration is a must. The ability to work efficiently and effectively under pressure is key. The project should be comple...
Looking for an experienced Bubble developer to assist in creating a web application centered around a booking system. Key Responsibilities: - Provide expert advice on best practices and features that would enhance the application - Develop a user-friendly interface for seamless navigation - Ensure the application is efficient, reliable, and secure - Perform comprehensive testing and debugging to ensure the application functions smoothly across all platforms. Ideal Skills: - Proficiency in Bubble - Prior experience in developing web applications, especially booking systems - Excellent problem-solving skills - Ability to provide valuable insights and suggestions
I'm experiencing a few issues on my website that need urgent attention. - Shipping Issue: The product page is not calculating shipping costs correctly. I need this fixed ASAP. - Trade Account Pricing: Customers with a trade account should be paying with a trade price. This ...product page is not calculating shipping costs correctly. I need this fixed ASAP. - Trade Account Pricing: Customers with a trade account should be paying with a trade price. This needs to be implemented correctly. - General Maintenance: Miscellaneous bits and pieces to make the website function smoothly without problems. Ideal candidates for this project should have experience with website debugging and maintenance. I would prefer freelancers who can work quickly and efficiently to get my site running ...
I need an experienced developer to integrate the LHDN Malaysia E-Invoice SDK into my current system. Key Requirements: - The current system is built on Windows and uses VB.NET, so expertise in VB.NET is crucial. - The integration must cover three specific functionalities: 1. Invoice Generation 2. Invoice Sub...developer who can deliver quality work in a timely manner. We will primarily communicate via email for project updates and discussions. The project should be completed within 1 month. The invoice data should be handled in JSON format. The integration should comply with GDPR standards. The integration should comply with ISO/IEC 27001 standards. The integration should include built-in logging and debugging features. Please include testing and ongoing support services post-in...
I need an expert to troubleshoot and resolve two issues possible same bug with my checkout cart and Stripe integration. 2nd issue when we select date on calender white box flashes in. Need bug expert to tidy nad get stripe live today. Issues: - The checkout cart freezes when I click a date on the calendar. - Potential bugs with Stripe as well. Skills and Experience: - Proficient in debugging and troubleshooting checkout carts. - Experience with Stripe and payment processing platforms. - Ability to identify and fix bugs efficiently and test order via stripe testing to make sure working. The website uses WordPress and WooCommerce. The issues should be resolved within 4 hours.
...(Elastic): Use Elastic for comprehensive logging and monitoring to track API Gateway performance and health. 12. Enable request transformation to modify request headers, bodies, or parameters as needed. 13. Implement API versioning to manage and deprecate different versions of the API seamlessly. 14. Add distributed tracing to track requests as they traverse multiple services for improved debugging. 15. Implement data compression for responses to reduce bandwidth usage and improve performance. 16. Add security headers to enhance security by preventing common attacks such as XSS, CSRF. 17. Support WebSocket or connections for real-time communication between clients and microservices. Requirements: • Proven expertise with NestJS for building API Gateways. • Str...
...components are accessible and adhere to WCAG guidelines. 13. Set up continuous integration and deployment pipelines to automate testing and deployment. Timeline: All activities must be completed within 2 calendar weeks from the start date. Requirements: • Strong experience with React, TypeScript, and Tailwind CSS. • Familiarity with Clean Architecture design patterns. • Proven track record of debugging and integrating APIs in React projects. • Ability to deliver within tight deadlines while maintaining high-quality standards. Deliverables: • Fully functional, bug-free frontend. • Properly integrated API endpoints. • Adherence to Clean Architecture guidelines. • Help creating clean user/admin manuals Additional Notes: • De...
Our WordPress sites is currently down due to virs and requires immediate restoration. Speed and efficiency are critical to minimize downtime. Ideal skills for this project include: - Expert-level experience with WordPress virus and resotartion - Strong troubleshooting and debugging skills - Knowledge of site restoration processes
...including those with dynamic content, AJAX, and JavaScript. -Optimize the script to run concurrently and scrape pages in parallel at a high speed. -Implement techniques for handling challenges such as rate limiting, captchas, and anti-scraping measures. -Maintain the ability to scrape content from websites without relying on third-party scraping tools or libraries. -Perform extensive testing and debugging to ensure high success rates and accurate data extraction. -Ensure compliance with legal and ethical guidelines for web scraping. Skills & Qualifications: -Proven experience in web scraping, with a strong understanding of HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. -Expertise in Python, Node.js, or other relevant programming languages for scraping and concurrency management. -Familiarity wi...
I'm looking for a freelancer who can design a Python software to automate rental tasks, with specific focus on booking management. The project also involves integrating with a Laravel API and thorough testing of the software. Key Responsibilities: - Develop Python software to automate rental tasks - Fo...software to automate rental tasks - Focus on booking management within the software - Integrate software with a Laravel API - Conduct thorough testing to ensure software reliability and performance Ideal Skills: - Proven experience in Python software development - Strong understanding and experience with Laravel APIs - Prior experience in automating rental tasks is a plus - Excellent testing and debugging skills Please provide examples of similar projects you've worked ...
- Overview: We are seeking a skilled Python programmer with specialized experience in machine learning to undertake a pivotal project that involves a two-phase enhancement of an Intrusion Detection System (IDS) for Internet of Things (IoT) devices. The project will first focus on refining and debugging Deep Reinforcement Learning (DRL) and Federated Learning (FL) components. Following this, we will implement privacy enhancements using Secure Aggregation techniques to improve data privacy. - Project Phases: Phase 1 - DRL and FL Implementation: Debug and optimize existing Python code focusing on DRL and FL for robust anomaly detection. Implement and test algorithms based on specific academic research to ensure the model adheres to the latest methodologies in IoT security. Provide re...
I've got a C# web application that's almost complete, but I'm hav...having trouble with page 3. This page is not rendering its visual elements correctly, which is preventing it from displaying as intended. I need a skilled coder to analyze the existing codebase for this page, identify any errors present, and implement fixes to resolve the underlying issues. Key Requirements: - Strong proficiency in C# and web application development - Extensive experience with debugging techniques - Exceptional problem-solving and troubleshooting skills Your goal will be to restore page 3 to its expected functionality, matching the success of the previous pages. Please, only qualified freelancers with relevant experience in correcting code problems are encouraged to review the detai...
A list of useful tools for Software Developers that could make their lives easier
Here is a run down on what programming languages are dominating the mobile app space in 2017.