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Rick S.
Proprietary social media, SEO campaigns for growth
$75 USD / Stunde
United States (3:48 PM)
Joined on Oktober 11, 2010
$75 USD / Stunde
I'd like to introduce you to our proprietary solutions for Social Media and Search Engine Optimization SEO.
The SEO program is based on industry related content, content syndication and social signals. This foundation builds on your participation in the online discussion for your industry, builds quality backlinks and as a leader in your industry, Google rewards you with higher rankings. We also look at your onsite optimization and citations for your business as these boost rankings as well.
With Social Media we attract and engage followers of your competitors and industry leaders. That will quickly build your following and allow migration of new users to Facebook, email lists, etc. Thus attracting them to your brand and preparing them for that moment when you ask for the sale.