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Justin B.
Quality work at a reasonable price.
$20 USD / Stunde
United States (6:55 PM)
Joined on Dezember 24, 2010
$20 USD / Stunde
I have a B.A. in English and Biblical studies and a M.A. in Teaching. I have work experience as a copy editor, Christian college minister, and professional educator. I am a skilled editor, proofreader, and writer. Additionally, I am a Top-rated eBay PowerSeller.
I can produce high-quality content on a wide variety of topics from parenting to theology to education and anything in between. The content I write is error-free and enjoyable to read.
I am easy to work with, and I will work tirelessly to give you the quality content you desire.
Justin is very meticulous and articulate writer. He has a wealth of knowledge and experience in children's education, and that has come through in his writing.
*Organized and maintained a productive learning environment
*Developed and managed classroom curriculum, incorporating dozens of standards over school year
*Hundreds of hours of professional development (differentiated instruction, classroom management, instructional design, technology in the classroom, etc.)
*After school tutoring, Reading/Language Arts
*Taught writing skills to teenagers
*Proofread thousands of documents
Aug., 2009 - Mai, 2012
2 Jahre, 9 Monate
Teaching Fellow
Mai, 2009 - Mai, 2011
2 Jahre
Nashville Teaching Fellows
Mai, 2009 - Mai, 2011
2 Jahre
Practice-teaching--English I at Glencliff High School (1st semester of summer school)
Intensive teacher training institute-Summer 2009
Mai, 2009 - Mai, 2011
2 Jahre
Campus Minister
Mai, 2008 - Dez., 2008
7 Monate
Sycamore Church of Christ
Mai, 2008 - Dez., 2008
7 Monate
*Developed Bible class and small-group curriculum
*Organized events and activities for the college ministry
*Built personal relationships with college students and served them as a spiritual guide
Mai, 2008 - Dez., 2008
7 Monate
M.A. in Teaching
2009 - 2011
2 Jahre
2009 - 2011
2 Jahre
Freed-Hardeman University
2004 - 2008
4 Jahre
B.A. in English and Biblical Studies
2004 - 2008
4 Jahre
ETS Recognition of Excellence
ETS Recognition of Excellence for Principles of Learning and Teaching: 7-12 Praxis