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Frank B.
Mobile Development (iPhone, iPad, Android, PhoneGAP) WordPress, Magento, PHP, Joomla, Creative Desig
$20 USD / Stunde
United States (6:45 PM)
Joined on Mai 6, 2004
$20 USD / Stunde
Since over a decade Netgains has been assisting small, medium, and large scale organization and enterprises throughout the globe. We help companies to connect with their end-customers, to sell their ideas, products, and services. Having a versatile pool of skilled engineers/art directors/new media experts; we are suited up taking any challenging responsibility and conquering the acid tests.
We have consistent record of producing cost efficient yet dissimilar quality products for our esteemed clients. We feel proud to state that we turn our customers not only into clients, but recurring clients and eventually partners for life as we strive to deliver the best on what we do.
Here is why you should hire us
We Develop and deliver quality web-pack solutions with Creative idea that offers more than just a cool design.
+ Plus with Us:
+ Communication (We speak your language and not technical gibberish so it makes sense to you)
+ Rapid Response (Turnaround time for every query is less than 1 hour)
+ Deliver reality from your dreams (Attention to technical details of your dream & deliver reality)
+ Real time connectivity (Connecting with you in real world & not in virtual world. We will walk, run, and fly to you if needed at your own premises.)
+ Daily Dairy Report (keep yourself up to date by receiving daily, weekly & monthly reports)
+ Time lines are Sacred (earning client's trust by delivering solution in set period of time & hence make them recurring clients.)
+ Budget buy (provide you tempting price with quality assurance.)
Responsible for web development, design, Mobile Development including smartphones like iPhone, iPad, Android, PhoneGAP, Internet Marketing (SEO, Inbound Marketing), Graphics Design including Banner ads and Landing page designing
Jan., 2004 - Aktuell
20 Jahre, 9 Monate
Punjabi University
2004 - 2006
2 Jahre
PG in Arts & Commerce
2004 - 2006
2 Jahre
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