You are welcomed by web studio Tonasy. Experience in sphere of web design and web programming is more than 3 years.
We work attentively and accurately, the main direction - imposition, web design, a copyright, web programming and SEO-ADVANCEMENT.
We impose it is block (div), with usage CSS. Imposition is validated, also is crossbrowser(IE 6 7 8, FireFox, Opera, Google Chrome). Operations semantic and accurate. There is an experience site advancement in TOP10 a retrieval system. We work attentively on TT.
The operation it is favourite and we appreciate, a performance warranty are responses - if you won't arrange, can always write. We use advance payment.
We work on result if with something aren't familiar - it is actively studied new technology.
Let's be glad to cooperate with people who appreciate the and our time)
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National Technical University of Ukraine 'Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute'
2002 - 2009
7 Jahre
2002 - 2009
7 Jahre
Foundation vWorker Member
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