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India (10:05 AM)
Joined on Januar 20, 2005
Skill Set:- Web Technologies : Java 2, JDBC, Servlets, Swing, XML, ASP/IIS, Java-script, HTML, JSP, j2ee. Distributed Objects : EJB, RMI RDBMS : Sybase,MS-SQL7.0 Packages : Front page, Adobe Photoshop, Macromedia Flash. Operating System : Windows NT, Linux. Working Knowledge : J2ME, ASP/IIS, C, C++. Certification : Brainbench certification(java). Professional Project Undertaken:- Project : Meetvirtual Operating systems : Windows NT 4.0. URL : [login to view URL] Tools : Sun Java 2.0 Developer Kit, XML, JSP, EJB, Beta WebLogic 5.1, MS-Media Server, Real Media Server,Media Encoders, MS-SQL Server 7.0, JDBC-ODBC, DHTML, HTML and JavaScript. Organization : Kaashyap Radiant. Team Size : 30 . Durations : 5 Months. Description : Meet Virtual offers a fully integrated solution that combines course content aligned with business objectives, a compelling, results-oriented e-learning experience, and fully integrated technologies. Provides Virtual Classrooms with live audio/video, self-paced and instructor driven courses, chat, user groups, calendar, scheduler, web mail, forums etc. Supports tracking and reporting of student performance, end-to-end solutions, which includes content conversion, content delivery and content management. My Role : (Module:- Course Creator). My responsibility was developing Course Creator .The instructor can create offline course by using Course Creator and after that he can upload the course to the server. Once the course is Uploaded it has to be configured to make the course available online. Course Creator is a stand alone java swing application which the instructor has to download from the meet virtual site to create a new course, add topic, and add assignments and for adding test. Technologies used for CouresCreater is Java Swings,JAXP1.0, XML. Every information from the instructor is stored in xml file. Along with course content file which can be word document, html or PDF, this xml file's created by Course Creator is uploaded to the server. Project : Sigma Star . Client : Sigma Paints Ltd., Saudi Arabia. Technologies : Sun JAVA 2.0 Developer Kit (Swings), XML. Team Size : 12 Organization : Kaashyap Radiant System Ltd . Operating systems : Windows NT 4.0. (Independent, Works on all platforms.) Abstract : § A Pure Java based application which allows asks customers some simple questions related to the nature of material, the type of paint to be used, area to be painted, etc., and advices the customer on the paint system to be used. § Calculates the quantity and costing based on various other factors. § Provides safety precautions and General Information. § It uses Java, Java Swings for the front end and XML as the backend. Project : Job Site. Operating System : Windows NT. Technologies : JavaScript, jsp, SQL Server. Team Size : 12. URL : [login to view URL] Organization : Kaashyap Radiant System Ltd . Durations : 2 Months. Abstract : This project is to offer a range of management services with primary Focus on personnel search and placements, earnestly attempting to help professionals realize their career aspirations and organizations to achieve their business goals through right people. Features: Registration, Memory Jogger, Power Search, Posting/Editing, Resume, Hot Jobs, Job-Alarm , Employer’s Advertisements. My Role : (Module:- Login, New Registration). Working on the logical and coding part for Login and Registration, Which helps registered candidate, and Employer to login in there Personal page. Registration Module helps new Candidate and Employers to register to the Site. Project : SpiceTrade. Operating System : Windows NT. Technologies : Java Web Server, Sun Java 2.0 Developer kit, Java Servlets, MS-SQL Server,JDBC-ODBC, HTML, DHTML and JavaScript. Team Size : 12 URL : [login to view URL] Organization : Kaashyap Radiant System Ltd . Durations : 3 Months. Description : Spicestrade is a B2B E-Commerce site on the spices industry, which allows Buyers and sellers to come and trade online, negotiate pricing online and view latest pricing and news. Allows Buyers and Sellers to buy or sell products through Online Auctions and Reverse Auctions. Project : Floriculture. Operating Systems : Windows NT 4.0. Tools : HTML,JAVA,JSP,MS-SQLSERVER 7.0. Organization : Kaashyap Radiant. Team Size : 20 Durations : 4 Months. Description : The application aims at implementation of logistics to reduce shipment cost of flora firms and automation of their business process on a B2B and B2C basis. The development environment of the application was done in a generic way, where starting from end user screens development to persistence data storage were all automated. My role : The Customer deployment model allows clients to navigate through the portal to select, enter, register and search sections. The select module implemented by us allows the browser to select categories of flower's from the list. depending on the selection, images of types of flowers will be displayed on the same page by selecting it from the database. Project : e-Gas Station. Operating Systems : Windows NT 4.0. Technologies : Java ,EJB, Swing, Weblogic 5.1.0,MS-SQL Server7.0. Durations : 5 Months. Abstract : The application is used to implement distribution of Petrol using magnetic card system for a group of Petrol station. Manage pumps and Serve clients with Petro-cards. My Role : To develop GUI using Swings for both the Customers and administrator. customer GUI consist of card verification, transaction, gas-fueling. Administration GUI consists of entry of new customers. Checking Customer balance, petrol price entry and also implement the business logic part for the above using Session and container Managed Bean.
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