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Tamara R.




$10 USD / Stunde
Flagge von
United States (7:36 AM)
Joined on April 20, 2004
$10 USD / Stunde
Communication is my business! 15 years experience as a copy editor/copy writer. 13 years experience in video production and video production management, including writing, producing, editing. Freelance writing, including screenwriting. Proficient in Microsoft Office (Word, Excel, PP), Final Cut Pro and Adobe Premiere
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STARZ Entertainment
Aug., 2001 - Aktuell
23 Jahre, 2 Monate
Managing Producer
Aug., 2001 - Aktuell
23 Jahre, 2 Monate
Aug 2009 - Present STARZ Entertainment (United States - Englewood, CO) Managing Producer -- Manage Creative Services producers in the production of video marketing assets, including assigning projects, editing scripts and reviewing and approving video spots. -- Produce high-profile video assets for our internal Affiliate and Trade partners for training, presentations and other uses. -- Advise and mentor my direct reports to help them to improve their writing and video production skills, with the goal
Senior Producer
Aug., 2001 - Juli, 2009
7 Jahre, 11 Monate
Aug 2001 - Jul 2009 STARZ Entertainment (United States - Englewood, CO) Producer/Senior Producer -- Wrote and produced video marketing assets for our internal Affiliate partners, including high-profile projects that required multiple levels of reviews and approvals. -- Filled in for Managing Producer as needed, which included assigning projects to producers, editing scripts and reviewing/approving video assets.
Aug., 2001 - Aktuell
23 Jahre, 2 Monate
Editorial Assistant
Mai, 1985 - Juni, 2000
15 Jahre, 1 Monat
Rocky Mountain News
Mai, 1985 - Juni, 2000
15 Jahre, 1 Monat
Apr 1985 - May 2000 Rocky Mountain News (United States - Denver, CO) Editorial Assistant -- Wrote headlines and edited copy for the Editorial Section of the newspaper. -- Wrote articles for the company newsletter. -- Wrote obituaries, Religion Notes, local news briefs and community news items for various sections of the newspaper.
Mai, 1985 - Juni, 2000
15 Jahre, 1 Monat
AAS Film & Video Production
1997 - 2000
3 Jahre
Flagge von
United States
1997 - 2000
3 Jahre
US English - Level 1
US English
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