Logo built for our summer house on the lake

  • Status: Closed
  • Preis: $150
  • Einträge eingereicht: 371
  • Gewinner: mizanurrahamn932

Kurzbeschreibung des Wettbewerbs

We want a cool logo to put on towels, cups, coffee mugs, dock etc.
The logo should have the words "SUMMER CAMP" on i along with a bigfoot illustration. Could be the silhouette or just foot....whatever. The uploaded file is the actual concrete big foot we placed on the camp property in the woods. Believe it or not the outcome should be more classy than comical as this is a beautiful lake property

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Feedback vom Arbeitgeber

“He was fast and easy to work with”

Profilbild GozzerSummerCamp, United States.

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